Just because you failed a Breathalyzer test in Oregon does not mean that the police can convict you of driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII or DUI). As your defense attorney, I will carefully investigate the Breathalyzer test to look for opportunities to challenge the results.
I am Portland DUI attorney Andy Green. As a former CLS prosecutor for the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office in Oregon, I know exactly how to evaluate the prosecution’s case and pinpoint issues the prosecution might overlook. For example:
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If you refuse to take a breath or blood test in Oregon, you face a one-year suspension of your driver’s license. Taking the Breathalyzer test and blowing over the legal limit do not mean an automatic conviction.
I offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
You should not rely on the information you read about Breathalyzer tests on the Internet, as it may be wrong or not up to date with new laws. It’s always best to discuss your case with an experienced Portland Breathalyzer test defense lawyer. For a free initial consultation, call or send me an email.