Now Offering $500 Off DUI Case Representation
I’m here to help! As the Covid-19 continues to impact everyone, I will continue to make my services accessible and to provide a more affordable way to get the very best representation possible. I will be offering everyone a $500 discount on all DUI and other criminal related representation services.
As a convenience, I will continue to offer video conferencing or phone consultations upon request. This allows my client’s easy access to me without the risk of leaving your home. If you have been arrested for a DUI or another criminal charge call 503-477-5040 to connect remotely.
With skilled expertise, I can still obtain additional resolutions and amazing results for my clients. Here are some things to consider during these uncertain times.
- Drivers license hearings with the DMV, STILL need to be requested within 10 days from the time of your citation or arrest for DUI.
- Now is a good time to talk to prosecutors because of the upcoming legal tidal wave approaching in the future. There are many cases that have been pushed forward and the courts are unable to deal with the extreme caseload.
- Each court is dealing with the crisis differently, so it’s important to have a dui attorney who is experienced in multiple counties.
I appreciate your understanding during this very challenging time. Please know that I will continue to monitor developments and will communicate with you as necessary. I believe communication is vital in the attorney-client privilege.
Andy Green