How Many Glasses of Champagne Equals One Shot of Liquor?
The percent of alcohol in champagne is approximately 12.2% which compares to 12.5% for red wine and 18.8% for dessert wine. In essence, drinking a four ounce glass of champagne is similar to drink a four ounce glass of wine. Remember that one shot of most liquors is equal to one four ounce glass of wine. That being said, it must be understood that alcohol that is combined with carbonation can often accelerate the buzz/drunkenness felt by the person consuming the beverage.
Some individuals have had a “black out” drunk experience off champagne or dessert wine yet they can drink several shots of whiskey or gin and not feel the same effects in such a short amount of time. When drinking any type of carbonated alcoholic beverage please be aware of the fact that it can get you drunk quicker. While the numbers state that one four ounce glass of champagne is equal to one shot of liquor it can often seem like the champagne is much stronger.
For more on the color of wine and the alcohol by content please use our resource here: Does the Color of Wine Determine the Alcohol by Content? Below find the statistics on alcohol content by volume for different types of wine:
Number of standard drinks – wine
Red wine 12.5% alc. vol
100 ml standard serve – 1 standard drink
150 ml average restaurant serving – 1.5 standard drinks
750 ml bottle – 7.7 standard drinks
2 litre cask – 21 standard drinks
4 litre cask – 41 standard drinks
White wine 11.5% alc. vol
100 ml standard serve – 0.9 standard drink
150 ml average restaurant serving – 1.4 standard drinks
750 ml bottle – 6.8 standard drinks
2 litre cask – 18 standard drinks
4 litre cask – 36 standard drinks
Champagne 12.2% alc. vol
150 ml average restaurant serving – 1.4 standard drinks
750 ml bottle – 7.1 standard drinks
Top-Rated Portland Oregon DUI Defense
Remember that if you get a DUI citation there is the potential for a reckless endangerment charge that could be added. This is a Class A misdemeanor which is the same level as a first-time DUI. If you need defense against drunk driving or reckless endangerment charges please feel free to contact me, Portland DUI Attorney, Andy Green at 503-477-5040. Fighting these criminal charges could save you quite a bit of time in jail and/or money for the citation.